Quality Policies A.U.Th

  1. Continuous quality improvement in education and research.
  2. Constant improvement in the quality of processes and provided services.
  3. Constant improvement in the quality of life and quality of work within Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
  4. Transparency at all levels.
  5. Dissemination of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki achievements to the society and the government, as well as to the international academic community.

The Quality Policy is carried out by:

  • the commitment to comply with the legal and regulatory framework of the University
  • establishing, reviewing and redefining quality assurance objectives, which are fully aligned with the University’s strategy.

This Policy mainly supports:

  • the organization of the internal quality assurance system
  • the responsibilities taken on by the leadership of the University, of the Faculties and other Departments, units, staff members and students and the role of each one in quality assurance
  • the safeguard of academic principles, the prevention of discriminations and the motivation for the involvement of external bodies in quality assurance
  • the continuous improvement of learning, teaching, research and innovation
  • the quality assurance of Study Programms and their compliance with the special standard of Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (ADIP)
  • the efficient organization of services and the development and maintenance of infrastructure
  • the availability and effective management of the necessary resources for the operation of the University
  • the development and rational distribution of human resources.