Certification of School’s Undergraduate Program

Certificate and Accreditation Report of School's Undergraduate Program

The School of Social Theology & Christian Culture of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, after an audit in March 2023 by an External Evaluation & Accreditation Commitee, received Certification for its Undergraduate Program from the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education.

The Certificate as well as the Accreditation Report of the External Evaluation & Certification Committee are listed below.


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File URL: https://past.auth.gr/website/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/ΑΠΟΦΑΣΗ-ΠΙΣΤΟΠΟΙΗΣΗΣ-ΠΠΣ-ΚΟΙΝΩ-ΘΕΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ-Κ-ΧΡΙΣΤ-ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ-ΑΠΘ.pdf


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File URL: https://past.auth.gr/website/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/FINAL-Accreditation-Report-Social-Theology-and-Christian-Culture-Aristotle-University-of-Thessaloniki.pdf