Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

1. How can I get a university email account (university e-mail)?

You have received a message on your mobile phone with the data codes you will use to create your university account. Enter the platform and select “Registration system at AUTH”. You then follow step 2 “Institutional account” (for already registered students) and select “Start process”. At this point you use the data codes you have received.

2. I didn’t have time to activate my university email account (university e-mail). How can i ask for new data codes?

Enter the platform and select “Registration system at AUTH”. Follow step 2 “Institutional account” (for already enrolled students) and then press “Start process”. Select the field “If you haven’ t received the SMS message, ask for a new one”. Enter your personal information and your mobile phone number.
ATTENTION: The mobile phone number must be the same with the one you have registered at the School’ s secretariat.

3. I don’t remember my university e-mail account. How can I retrieve its data

Contact the School’ s secretariat (phone: 2310996681-82, e-mail: and inform that you have lost your account data. The secretariat will issue a certificate and will forward it to AUTH IT Center, so that new account data can be sent to you.
ATTENTION: You should inform the secretariat if there is a change in your mobile phone number, because through this number you will be informed for your account restoration.

4. How do I apply for an academic ID (pass)?

Enter the academic ID issuing service, select “Students” and then “Application process” and follow the instructions provided.

5. I have lost my academic identity. What should I do?

If you have lost your academic ID you should send to the secretariat an e-mail (secretariat’ s e-mail: from your university e-mail account, or bring to the secretariat (service hours 12:00-13:30) a written application with your handwritten signature vertified by KEP (Citizens Service Center), or any public authority or via the platform, stating that you have lost your academic identity. The ID will be canceled by the secretariat and you will be able to apply again for a new one.

6. When can i have an academic ID that offers reduced transport tickets fees?

Enter the academic ID issuing service, select “Students” and then “Applications”. At this webpage you can find the student categories that can have an academic ID that offers reduced transport tickets fees.

7. How can I apply for any certificate from the secretariat?

  • You can apply for any certificate online via (option “Students”) by using your university e-mail username and password.
  • You can also apply conventionally by fill in a paper application form at the secretariat (service hours 12:00-13:30) or
  • You can send your application form with your university e-mail. To download the relevant form visit the School’ s webpage

8. How and when do I register for courses?

Studens register for courses twice a year, at the beginning of the winter and of the spring semester. For more information visit the School’ s webpage (Announcements ->Students) or press here.

9. I have completed all the necessary courses. How and when do I apply for the certification of completion (oath process).

Cerification of completion (oath process) takes place three times a year: at the end of the semester in February, on July and on September. For more information visit the School’ s webpage (Secretariat Announcements->Students) or press directly here

10. How and when do I apply for books?

You can apply for books twice a year. For more information click on the link below. For more information visit the School’ s webpage (Secretariat Announcements-> Students) or press directly here

11. When do i have the right to get books for free?

All students that have not exceeded n+2 years, so all that are in the first 12 semesters of their studies, have the right to get books for free. Also, all students that have succeded at the qualifying exams (“katataktiriies”) have the right to get free books from the Eudoxus system, only if they hold one university degree. Students are obliged to apply for books within the deadline set by the Eudoxus office. An announcement is posted on the School’ s website informing about the application period (

12. How can I put my studies on hold?

To put your studies on hold, you must submit or send to the secretariat by courier service the following:
A) An application to the School’ s Commitee stating the number of semesters for which you wish to interrupt your studies (2 or 4).
B) An application for the interruption of studies for the secretariat
C) An certification from the School’ s library that you do not owe any books.
D) Your academic ID (pass) if you have one.
To see/download the relevant documents check here

13. How do I apply for housing benefit?

To apply for the housing benefit visit the following webpage To get the housing benefit, among other things, it is taken into account: The family income, the fact that the student is not exceeding his/hers normal years of study, and successful completion of at least half of the courses of the previous academic year. For more information, visit when the platform is open.

14. I have completed my studies. How can i get a copy of my university degree or official transcript of a graduate student, or a studies certificate

In order to receive a copy of your degree, or an official transcript of a graduate student, or a studies certificate, you must pay the amount of 6 euros (for every certificate you apply for) at the Aristotle University bank account (Piraeus Bank account number: 5272-041780-361 and IBAN: GR8701722720005272041780361).
After that you have to apply via KEP or alternatively to fill in the relevant application and send it electronically with your hand written signature vertified by a Greek public authority or via of the platform

In case you have completed your postgraduate studies, in order to receive a copy of your post graduate degree you must pay the amount of 13 euros.

15. I have completed my studies but i have not received a Diploma Supplement. What should I do?;

To receive a Diploma Supplement, you must apply for a diploma supplement via KEP or alternatively fill in the relevant application and send it electronically with your hand written signature certified by a Greek public authority or via the platform.
ATTENTION: Diploma supplements, before 2012, include “Teaching Units” and not ECTS.