Application forms for Oath

Students who wish to take an oath should send to the Secretariat (even if the scores have not been announced) the following:

  1. Application form for oath (applies both to those who wish to take an oath and to those who only wish to receive a diploma) which you can find on the Schlool’s website under “Secretary Forms” (click here) requesting:
    • nr of diploma copies
    • certificate for military use
    • diploma on membrane
  2. Certificate from the library of the Faculty of Theology, confirming that they do not owe a book (Library phone +30 2310 996690-2310996691)
  3. Academic ID card and studies booklet (for those who have one)
  4. Medical booklet (for those who have one)
  5. Certificate of deletion from the student residence (for those who live in the student residence)

The School provides two certificates free of charge, i.e. a copy of the diploma and an official transcript of a graduate student.

For additional copies, please pay a fee of 6 euros per copy at the Piraeus Bank.

For additional official transcript of a graduate student, please pay a fee of 6 euros per copy at the Piraeus Bank.

For diploma on membrane, please pay a fee of 32 euros to the account nr 5272-041780-361 of A.U.Th. at the Piraeus Bank. (The receipt will be sent to the secretariat.)

Students that wish to make an assertion should state this in their application form to the Secretariat.

All the above documents should be submitted to the School’ s secretariat (public hours 12:00-13:30) or sent by registered mail or by courier service to the School’s secretariat, at the following address:

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
School of Social Theology and Christian Culture, Secretariat
Faculty of Theology, 2ος όροφος, γραφείο 212
ΤΚ 54124
Thessaloniki GREECE