Nikolakakis Dimitrios

Teaching: Ecclesiastical Law

  • Law Degree from the Faculty of Law, AUTh
  • Degree from the School of Pastoral and Social Theology of the Faculty of Theology, AUTh
  • Master’s Degree, Faculty of Law, AUTh
  • Doctoral Degree (PhD) at the Faculty of Law, AUTh
  • Doctoral Degree (PhD) at the School of Pastoral and Social Theology of the Faculty of Theology, AUTh
Research Interests
  • State-Church relations
  • Legal and canonical status of Ecumenical Patriarchate
  • Law of Mount Athos
  • Church Property Law
  • Central and regional organization of the Church of Greece
  • Clergy's livelihood
  • Special legal status of the clergy and monks
  • The Orthodox Diaspora
  • Right to Asylum according to ecclesiastical law
  • Procedure for granting Autocephaly
  • Legal and canonical status of monasteries
Φ.Ε.Κ. Διορισμού ΕτΚ Γ΄ 1169/18-5-2022

Office 401 (4th floor, Faculty of Theology building)
Office hours Mondays 10.00-11.00
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1. Η ενοριακή διοικητική οργάνωση της Εκκλησίας της Ελλάδος (= The parish administrative organization of the Church of Greece), Doctoral Thesis, (AUTh, Law School), Thessaloniki 2002.

2. Ο βιοπορισμός του κλήρου σε σχέση με την περιουσία της Εκκλησίας (= The livelihood of the clergy in relation to the property of the Church), Doctoral Thesis, (AUTh, School of Pastoral and Social Theology), Thessaloniki 2008.

3. Ο βιοπορισμός των ιερέων και των λευϊτών κατά τις επιταγές της Παλαιάς Διαθήκης (= The priests’ and the levites’ livelihood according to the commands of the Old Testament), [COSMOS-An Academic Journal published by the School of Pastoral and Social Theology, AUTh-Monograph series 1], Thessaloniki 2016 [pp. 1-292].

 4. Ο βιοπορισμός του κλήρου κατά τις επιταγές της Καινής Διαθήκης (= Clergy’s livelihood according to the commands of the New Testament), [COSMOS-An Academic Journal published by the School of Pastoral and Social Theology, AUTh –Monograph series 2], Thessaloniki 2016 [pp. 1-367].

 5. Ο βιοπορισμός και η παράλληλη εργασία των κληρικών κατά τους ιερούς κανόνες (= Clergy’s livelihood and secular professions according to the Holy Canons), [COSMOS-An Academic Journal published by the School of Pastoral and Social Theology, AUTh –Monograph series 3], Thessaloniki 2017 [pp. 1-287].

6. Οι απαρχές στους ιερούς κανόνες και στην ευχολογική παράδοση της Ορ­θο­δόξου Εκκλησίας (= First fruits according to holy canons and euchological tradition of the Orthodox Church)[COSMOS-An Academic Journal published by the School of Social Theology and Christian Culture, AUTh – Monograph series 12], Thessaloniki 2021 [pp. 1-230].

7. Ο Τόμος του 1850 και η φαλκίδευσή του με τους νόμους Σ΄ και ΣΑ΄/1852 (= The Patriarchal Tome of 1850 and its falsification by the laws Σ´ and ΣΑ´/1852), Sakkoulas Publications, Athens-Thessaloniki, 2021 [pp. XXV + 284].


1. Αἱ Κανονιστικαί Διατάξεις τοῦ Ἁγίου Ὄρους (1930-2014) (= The Regulative Provisions of Mount Athos), [Athoniki Nomokanoniki Vivliothiki 2], Mount Athos 2018 [pp. 1-424].


1. “Η τοπική αυτοδιοίκηση μέσα από το νομοθετικό έργο της Αντιβασιλείας” (= The local self-government through the legislative work of the Regency), Scientific Yearbook of the Bar Association of Thessaloniki “Armenopoulos” 19 (1998) 15-22.

2. “Η δευτερογαμία του επιζώντος συζύγου μέχρι την ιουστινιάνεια κω­δικο­ποί­­ηση” (= The second marriage of the surviving spouse until the Justinian codification), Scientific Yearbook of the Bar Association of Thessaloniki “Armenopoulos” 20 (1999) 29-36.

3.La Diaspora Orthodoxe Greque”, International Congress “Les cultes et l’état en Grèce”, Thessaloniki 9-10 November 2002, L’anée canonique 45 (2003) 133-148.

4. “Η προέχουσα ιδιότητα των εφημερίων ως θρησκευτικών λειτουργών” (= The prominent status of the parish priests as religious ministers), Scientific Yearbook of the Bar Association of Thessaloniki “Armenopoulos” 25 (2004) 25-37.

5. “Η καθαίρεση ως επακόλουθο της καταδίκης κληρικού σε ποινή κάθειρξης” (= The deposition as a consequence of the conviction of a clergyman to imprisonment), Poinika Chronika 55 (2005) 199-205.

6. Η θέση των Γ.Ο.Χ. (παλαιοημερολογιτών) εντός της ελληνικής πολιτείας. Νομική τους εκπροσώπηση (Γνωμοδότηση)” [= The position of G.O.C. (Greek Old Calendarists) within the Greek State. Their legal representation (Legal Opinion)], Armenopoulos 59 (2005) 1520-1526.

7. “Το δικαίωμα του ασύλου στις επιστολές του Νικολάου Μυστικού” (= The right of asylum in the epistles of Nicholas Mystikos), Nomokanonika 2/2009, pp. 41-80.

8. “Το αλάθητο του πάπα στο πλαίσιο του αγώνα διασφάλισης των Παπικών Κτήσεων” (= The papal infallibility in the context of the struggle to secure the Papal Possessions), Εἰς Μαρτύριον τοῖς Ἔθνεσι”. Τόμος Χαριστήριος Εικοσαετηρικός εις τον Οικουμενικόν Πατριάρχην κ.κ. Βαρθολομαίον (= A Testimony to the Nations. A Vigintennial Volume Offered to the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew), Thessaloniki 2011, pp. 607-655.

9. “Το καθεστώς ίδρυσης της Αθωνιάδος Σχολής βάσει των σιγιλλίων του Οικουμενικού Πατριάρχου Κυρίλλου του Ε´” (= The legal conditions concerning the founding and operation of the Athonias Ecclesiastical Academy according to the sigillia of the Ecumenical Patriarch Cyril V), Scholars and Scholarship on Mount Athos, Thessaloniki 2013, pp. 136-141; 8th International Scientific Conference “Mount Athos and Scholarship”, Thessaloniki 22-24 November 2013, Conference Proceedings, Thessaloniki 2014, pp. 457-464.

10. “The right of asylum in the work of Eustathios of Thessaloniki”, Kleronomia 38/1-2 (January 2014-December 2015), pp. 71-94.

11. “Το προνομιακό φορολογικό καθεστώς των μετοχίων και της εν γένει ακίνητης περιουσίας των Μονών του Αγίου Όρους” (= The preferential tax regime of the Metochia and the general immovable property of the Monasteries of Mount Athos), IX International Scientific ConferenceMount Athos: Spreading the Light to the Orthodox World: the Metochia”, Thessaloniki 21-23 November 2014, Conference Proceedings, Thessaloniki 2015, pp. 323-342; Nomiko Vima 63 (2015) 1190-1204.

12. Ο Επίσκοπος ως διαχειριστής της εκκλησιαστικής περιουσίας κατά τους Ιερούς Κανόνες και την καταστατική νομοθεσία της Εκκλησίας της Ελλάδος” (= The Bishop as the administrator of the ecclesiastical property according to the Holy Canons and the Statutory Charter of the Church of Greece), Nomokanonika 2/2015, pp. 47-62.

13. Legal Aspects in Creating Cultural Networks: The Case of the ‘Cultural Port of the Black Sea’”, Proceedings of the Symposium on City Ports from the Aegean to the Black Sea. Medieval-Modern networks, 22-29 August 2015, Istanbul 2015, pp. 345-352.

14. “Τό Αὐτοκέφαλον καί τό Αὐτόνομον στήν πορεία πρός τήν Ἁγία καί Μεγάλη Σύνοδο τῆς Ὀρθοδόξου Ἐκκλησίας” (= Autocephaly and Autonomy towards the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church), Theologia 86/4 (2015) 199-212.

15.The involvement of Clergy in Secular Affairs by Oikonomia according to Theodore Balsamon”, “Oikonomia, Dispensatio et Aequitas Canonica”, [Kanon XXIV], 2016, pp. 110-125.

16.Ἰατρικὴ καὶ Χριστιανικὴ Θεολογία. Συγκριτικὴ θεώρηση καὶ κριτικὲς ἐπισημάνσεις” (= Medicine and Orthodox Theology. Comparative approach and critical remarks), Theologia 87/3 (2016) 147-172.

17.Critical remarks upon the law of asylum during the Early and Middle Byzantine periods”, Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Belgrade 22-27 August 2016, Thematic Sessions of Free Communications, Belgrade 2016, pp. 713-714.

18. “Ἡ διαδικασία ἀναγνώρισης ἁγίων κατὰ τὴν κανονικὴ παράδοση τῆς Ὀρ­θο­δόξου Ἐκκλησίας” [= The procedure for the recognition (anagnorisi) of saints according to the canonical tradition of the orthodox Church], Theologia 88/1 (2017) 83-134.

19. “Ζητήματα χρησικτησίας σχετικά με την ακίνητη περιουσία των μονών της Εκκλησίας της Ελλάδος” (= Usucaption issues related to the immovable property of the monasteries of the Church of Greece), 3rd Pan-Hellenic Conference of the Center for Cadastral Studies Χρησικτησία και Εθνικό Κτηματολόγιο” (= Usucaption and National Land Registry), Heraklion of Crete 9-10 June 2017, [Vivliothiki Dikaiou Ktematologiou 7], Athens-Thessaloniki 2017, pp. 195-217.

20. “Il riconoscimento dei santi secondo la tradizione canonica della Chiesa Ortodossa”, San Nicola folle per Cristo. Atti del Convegno ecumenico interecclesiale “La santità via dell’unità. L’unità, via della santità”, Grecia 20-26 giugno 2016, Barletta 2017, pp. 127-142.

21. “‘Illness’ in the Holy Canons of the Orthodox Church”, 2nd Congress with International Participation Evolution and Cancer. Cancer across life”, Thessaloniki, 29 June–1 July, 2017, Book of Abstracts, Thessaloniki 2017, pp. 45-46.

22. “Ο θάνατος στην κανονική οικονομία της Εκκλησίας” (= Death in the canonical oikonomia of the Church), Theologia 88/4 (2017) 23-40.

23. “Statutul Educaţiei Religioase în Învǎţǎmǎntul de Stat Conform Convenţiei Europene a Drepturilor Omului”, Educatia Religiosǎ a Tinerilor în contextul secularizǎrii actuale, Bucarești, 3-7 septembrie 2016, Bucarești 2017, pp. 235-251.

24. “Οι περιουσιακές έννομες συνέπειες της μοναχικής κουράς σε ιερό ησυχαστήριο της Εκκλησίας της Ελλάδος” (= The property legal consequences of the monastic tonsure in a holy hesychasterion of the Church of Greece), in “Αντιπελάργηση”. Τιμητικός Τόμος Ι.Μ. Κονιδάρη (= Antipelargisi. Honorary Volume for I.M. Konidaris), Athens-Thessaloniki 2018, pp. 419-440.

25. “Η σχέση των άρθρων 3§1 και 13 του Συν­τάγματος ως προς την τυπική ισχύ των Ιερών Κανόνων” (= The relation between article 3§1 and article 13 of the Constitution as to the rank of the Holy Canons in the hierarchy of the sources of law), Armenopoulos 72 (2018) 1447-1467.

26.Η πρωτεύουσα θέση του Οικουμενικού Πατριαρχείου στη διαδικασία χορήγησης του Αυτοκεφάλου” (= The primary position of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the procedure for granting Autocephaly), COSMOS-An Academic Journal published by the School of Pastoral and Social Theology AUTh 5 (2018) 119-137.

27.The primary position of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the procedure for granting Autocephaly”, “Primacy and Synodality”, [Kanon XXV], 2019, pp. 177-192; Η Αγία και Μεγά­λη Σύνοδος της Ορθοδόξου Εκκλησίας: Η Ορθόδοξη Θεολογία στον 21ο αιώναΠρακτικά 8ου Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου Ορθοδόξου Θεολογίας, Θεσσαλονίκη, 21-25 Μαΐου 2018 (= The Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church: Orthodox Theology in the 21st century – Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Orthodox Theology, Thessaloniki, May 21-25, 2018), vols. 1 – 2, Thessaloniki 2021, vol. 2, pp. 333-350.

28. “Το μάθημα των θρησκευτικών στα δημόσια σχολεία της Ευρώπης κατά την ΕΣΔΑ” (= The religious course in the European public schools according to ECHR), Nomokanonika 2/2019, pp. 31-67.

29. “Οι σχέσεις Πολιτείας και Εκκλησίας κατά τον Άγιο Νεκτάριο” (= “State and Church relations according to Saint Nektarios”), COSMOS-An Academic Journal published by the School of Pastoral and Social Theology AUTh 6 (2019) 253-268.

30. “Problema azilului-punct de divergenţǎ dintre Stat și Bisericǎ în Bizanţ. Novelele 10 și 11 ale împǎratului Constantin Porfiroenetul și Novela 68 a împǎratului Manuel Comnen”, Misiune, Spiritualitate, Culturǎ. Simpozionul internaţional “Unitatea de credinţa și de neam în contextul unei lumi globalizat”, Tǎrgoviște 2019, pp. 457-467.

31. “The canonical structure, the ecclesial practice and the ecclesiological interpretation of synodality in the Ecumenical Patriarchate” (Abstract), Universität Freiburg, Zentrum St. Nikolaus für das Studium der Ostkirchen (accessed 8-11-2020).

32. “Τα “διαχωριστικά διατάγματα” (Ν.4684/1930) και το Εθνικό Κτηματολόγιο” (= The ‘diachoristika diatagmata’ (L. 4684/30) and the National Cadastre), Nomokanonika 2/2020, pp. 21-43.           

33. “Η επίδραση του χριστιανισμού στη διαμόρφωση της πολιτικής θεωρίας της πρώιμης βυζαντινής περιόδου” (= The impact of Christianity on the shaping of political theory in the early byzantine period), International Conference“Ο Μέγας Κων­στα­ντί­νος και η εποχή του. 1700 χρό­νια από το διά­ταγ­μα των Μεδιολάνων” – Πρακτικά, (= “Constantine the Great and his Age. 1700th Anniversary of the Edict of Milan” – Proceedings), Thessaloniki 2022, pp. 361-383.


1. “Η Ορθόδοξη Ελληνική Διασπορά” (= The Greek Orthodox Diaspora), in Πολιτεία, Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία και Θρησκεύματα στην Ελλάδα (= The State, the Orthodox Church and Religions in Greece), [Nomokanoniki Vivliothiki 16], Katerini 2006, pp. 61-88.

2. Νομοκανονική Βιβλιογραφία Αγίου Όρους Άθω (1912-2000) [= Nomocanonical Bibliography on Mount Athos (1912-2000)](in collaboration with Dom. Irénée Doens, O.S.B. – Charalambos K. Papastathis – Konstantinοs Papageorgiou), Mount Athos 2007.

 3. “The Greek Orthodox Diaspora”, in The State, the Orthodox Church and Religions in Greece, [Nomokanoniki Vivliothiki 17], Katerini 2008, pp. 85-110.

Courses of the Undergraduate Program
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Postgraduate Courses "Orthodox Theology and Christian Culture"
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Postgraduate Courses "Greece: Church History and Civilization"
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Postgraduate Courses "Studies in History, Spirituality, Art and Musical Tradition of Mount Athos"
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Postgraduate Courses "Religious and Pilgrimage Tourism"
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Postgraduate Courses "Diacheírisī Ekklīsiastikṓn Keimīlíōn kai CΗristianikīs Politistikīs Klīronomiás"
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Our staff

Special Teaching Staff - Foreign Language Teachers

Agne Daffa
Fanny Maquet-Sarafopoulou
Vasileia Kazamia

Former staff

Ioannis Fountoulis (†)Fr. Ioannis Romanidis (†)
Metropolitan of Tyroloe and Serention Panteleimon Rodopoulos (†)Christina Boulaki-Zisi
Georgios StogioglouStergios Tsiamis (†)
Stergios Sakkos (†)Theologos Aliprantis (†)
Metropolitan of Pergamon Ioannis Zizioulas (†)Athanasios Angelopoulos
Antonios Papadopoulos (†)Protopresbyter Konstantinos Karaisaridis
Christos Krikonis (†)Protopresbyter Spyridon Antoniou
Euthymios TsigaridasΑrchimandrite Nikolaos-Nikodimos Skrettas-Plexidas
Christos Vantsos (†)Stavros Nanakis, Metropolitan Bishop of Arkalochori Kastelli and Viannos
Pausanias Koutlemanis (†)Kyriakoula Papademetriou
Eustratios Zeginis (†)TryfonTsompanis
Stavros KalantzakisIoannis Bakas (†)
Soterios Varnalidis
Elias Nikolakakis
Vassileios Fanourgakis
Georgios Theodoroudis
Protopresbyter Theodoros Zisis
Athanassios Karathanassis
Christos Economou
Despo Lialiou
Michael Tritos
Heraklis Rerakis

Doctors Honoris Causa

Ioannis Karmiris, Professor Emeritus of the University of AthensNovember 14, 1973
Archbishop Iakovos of AmericaApril 17, 1975
Patriarch Ignatius IV of Antioch and All the EastFebruary 20, 1976
Rev. Dr. Dumitru Staniloae, Professor of the University Theological Institute of BucharestMay 13, 1976
Nicholas Dimitrijevic Uspensky, Professor Emeritus of the Leningrad Theological AcademyNovember 29, 1979
Elder Metropolitan of Chalcedon MelitonMarch 15, 1984
Metroplitan Maximos of SardisMarch 15, 1984
Metroplitan Chrysostomos of MyraMarch 15, 1984
Metroplitan Damaskinos of SwitzerlandMay 20, 1985
Metropoltan Panteleimon II of ThessalonikiNovember 12, 1996
Ecumenical Patriarch BartholomewOctober 1, 1997
Panagiotis Angelopoulos, Archon Great Benefactor and Grand Logothete of the Ecumenical PatriarchateJune 15, 1998
Anastasios Marinos, Vice-President of the Council of State (Greece)May 27, 1999
Patriarch Petros VII of Alexandria and All AfricaMay 24, 2001
Metropolitan Sava of Warsaw and All PolandOctober 8, 2002
Rev. Dr. George Dragas, Professor of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of TheologyJune 2, 2005
Metropolitan Nikephoros of Kykkos and TellyriaJune 3, 2008
Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) of DiokleiaJune 3, 2015
Archbishop Hieronymos II of Athens and All GreeceNovember 10, 2016
Erich Lamberz, Honorary Professor of the University of MunichJune 19, 2019
Metropolitan Anthimos of ThessalonikiJuly 15, 2019
Vlasios Pheidas, Professor Emeritus of the University of AthensMay 26, 2022

Register of Internal and External Electors of the School