Tsigkos Vasileios

Teaching: Dogmatics of the Orthodox Catholic Church

Research Interests
  • Study of the content of the orthodox faith through the textual and artistic monuments of the Church culture
  • Accurate exposition and interpretation of the main doctrines of the Orthodox Church diachronically and synchronically through the life of the eucharistic community
  • Association of the Dogmatic Theology to the biblical testimony and the patristic tradition, to the ethos and worship, to theory and practice of the Church, to questions and challenges of our days
Φ.Ε.Κ. Διορισμού ΦΕΚ 1322/3-10-2014, τ. Γ΄

Phone +30 2310 996962
E-mail vtsigkos@past.auth.gr
Office 353 (3rd floor, Faculty of Theology building)
Office hours a) Tuesdays 11.00-12.00 and Thursdays 12.00-13.00, b) after the end of the lessons.
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 Selected Publications:


  • Dogmatica della Chiesa Ortodossa, volume primo, Asterios Editore, Trieste 2024 [303 pp.] ISBN 978-8893-132664.
  • Περιχώρησις. Θεολογικό περιεχόμενο τοῦ ὅρου καί οἱ ἐφαρμογές του κατά τή Δογματική τῆς Ὀρθοδόξου Ἐκκλησίας [Perichoresis. Theological content of the term and its applications according to Dogmatics of the Orthodox Church], ἐκδ. Ostracon, Θεσσαλονίκη ²2023 [456 pp., 3 indexes] ISBN 978-618-5146-10-8.
  • Δογματική τῆς Ὀρθοδόξου Ἐκκλησίας [Dogmatics of the Orthodox Church], ἐκδ. Ostracon, Θεσσαλονίκη ²2022 [508 pp., 3 indexes] ISBN 978-618-5146-52-8.
  • Ἄνθρωπος, ὁ ἐν μικρῷ μέγας. Ὄψεις ὀρθοδόξου ἀνθρωπολογίας [The Human Being, a great World in our small Cosmos: Aspects of Orthodox Anthropology], ἐκδ. Ἔννοια, Ἀθήνα 2019 [303 pp., 1 index] ISBN 978-960-641-010-9].
  • Χάρισμα καί θεσμός στήν περί  Ἐκκλησίας διδασκαλία του ἱεροῦ Χρυσοστόμου [Cha­risma and institution according to the Ecclesiology of St John Chrysostom], ἐκδ. Ostracon, Θεσσαλονίκη 2016 [336 pp., 3 indexes] ISBN 978-618-5146-33-7.
  • Θέματα Δογματικῆς τῆς Ὀρθοδόξου [Doctrinal issues of the Orthodox Church], ἐκδ. Ccity Publish, Θεσσαλονίκη 2014 [526 pp.] ISBN 978-960-93-6699-1.
  • Προλεγόμενα στή θεολογική γνωσιολογία τοῦ ἁγίου Γρηγορίου τοῦ Παλαμᾶ [Pro­le­gomena in the theological gnoseology of St Gregory Palamas], ἐκδ. Πουρναρᾶ, Θεσσαλονίκη 2010 [173 pp., 1 index] ΙSBN 978-960-242-415-5.
  • Δογματικά καί Θεολογικά Μελετήματα Α΄ [Dogmatic and Theological Studies I], ἐκδ. Πουρναρᾶ, Θεσσα­λο­νίκη 2010 [286 pp., 1 index] ΙSBN 978-960-242-414-8.
  • Ὁ ἀ­να­και­νι­σμός τοῦ ἀν­θρώ­που κατά τή δογματική διδασκαλία τοῦ ἁγίου Συ­με­ών τοῦ Νέ­ου Θε­ο­λό­γου [The renovation of man according to the dogmatic teaching of St Symeon the New Theologian], ἐκδ. Πουρναρᾶ, Θεσ­σα­λο­νί­κη ²2009 [421 pp., 3 inde­xes] ΙSBN 960-242-349-8.
  • Ἐκ­κ­λη­σι­ο­λο­γι­κές θέ­σεις τοῦ ἁ­γί­ου Θε­ο­δώ­ρου τοῦ Στου­δί­του. Αὐ­θε­ντί­α καί πρω­τεῖ­ο [Ecclesiological aspects of St Theodore the Studite. Authority and Primacy], ἐκδ.᾿Ορ­θό­δο­ξος Κυ­ψέ­λη, Θεσ­­σα­λο­νί­κη 1999 [406 pp., 1 index].
  • Historical and Doctrinal Themes. Eighth to Ninth century: A study in the letters of St Theodore the Studite (A.D. 759-826), Dublin 1990 [122 pp.].


  • “Ἡ ὀρθόδοξος δογματική θεολογία τήν τρίτη χιλιετία: Ἐπιστροφή στήν καθολικότητα” [“The Orthodox Dogmatic Theology in the third millennium: Return to ca­tho­licity”], Κληρονομία 40 (2018 [2021]) 91-121.
  • “Ἡ θεολογία τῆς περιχωρήσεως στήν περί Ἁγίας Τριάδος δι­δασκαλία τῶν Καπ­πα­δοκῶν Πατέρων” [“The theology of perichoresis according to the teaching on Holy Trinity of the Cappadocian Fathers”], Θεολογία 88, 2 (2017) 37-54.
  • “The Dogmatic Theology of the Church and Contemporary Theological Re­search”, The Greek Orthodox Theological Review 62, 3-4 (2017) 211-240.
  • “Τό ‛ὅλον’ τῆς ὀρ­θο­δό­ξου θεολογίας καί σύγχρονες τριαδολογικές ἐκφράσεις κατά τόν π. Ἰωάν­νη Ρω­μα­νίδη”, στά Πρακτικά Ἡμερίδος καί Θεολο­γι­κές-Ἱστορικές Με­λέ­τες: π. Ἰωάν­νης Pωμανίδης, τό ἔργο καί ἡ διδασκαλία του, ἔκδ. Ἱερά Μονή Γε­νε­θλίου τῆς Θεο­τόκου Πελαγίας, Λεβάδεια 2014, σ. 174-194.
  • “The character of ‛primacy’ in the life and tradition of the Church according to St Theodore the Studite”, Κόσμος / Cosmos 2 (2013) 29-48.
  • “Ἡ θεολογική βάση τοῦ ὅρου ‛κοινωνία τῆς θεώ­σεως’ στόν ἅγιο Γρη­γόριο τόν Παλαμᾶ” [“The theological basis of the term ‛communion of deification’ in St Gre­gory Palamas”], in: A. Koltsiou-Nikita – Ghr.Nassis – S. Paschalidis – P. Skal­tsis – E. Tsa­lampouni (eds), A Testimony to the Nations. A Vigintennial Volume offered to the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Aristotle Uni­ver­sity of Thessaloniki, Fa­cul­ty of Theology, Thessaloniki 2011, p. 863-885.
  • “Ὁ ῾τολ­μη­ρός᾿ θε­ο­λο­γι­κός λό­γος τοῦ ἁ­γί­ου Συ­με­ών τοῦ Νέ­ου Θε­ο­λό­γου καί ἡ συμ­βο­λή του στό ἡ­συ­χα­στι­κό κί­νη­μα καί τή φι­λο­κα­λι­κή ἀ­να­γέν­νη­ση”, Ὀρ­θο­δο­ξί­α καί Παι­δεί­α 2 (2003) 67-93.
  • “Ἡ λει­τουρ­γί­α τοῦ Συ­νο­δι­κοῦ θε­σμοῦ κα­τά τή δεύ­τε­ρη εἰ­κο­νο­μα­χι­κή πε­ρί­ο­δο” [“The operation of synodal institution during the second iconoclastic period”], Θε­ο­λο­γί­α 73, 2 (2002) 551-584.
  • “Człowiek i jego odrodzenie według dogmatyki kościoła prawosła­wnego w aspekcie bizantyjskiej tradycji liturgicznej”, Ἐλ­­πίς 4, 6 (2002) 120-143.
  • “Ἡ Θε­ο­λο­γί­α τῶν νέ­ων Μαρ­τυ­ρο­λο­γί­ων” [“The theology of new Marty­rs Synaxa­ria”], in: Scientific Annals of the Theological Faculty / School of Pastoral and So­cial Theology 8 (2002) 129-156.
  • “Kształtowanie się terminu Theotokos w okresie Soborów Powsze­chnych i jego chrystologiczno-soteriologiczne znaczenie”, Ἐλ­πίς 3, 5 (2001) 9-32.
  • “St Augustine’s ῾De Doctrina Christiana᾿ (A commentary on the Pro­logue)”, Gregorios o Palamas 83 (2000) 417-423.
Courses of the Undergraduate Program
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Postgraduate Courses "Orthodox Theology and Christian Culture"
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Postgraduate Courses "Greece: Church History and Civilization"
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Postgraduate Courses "Studies in History, Spirituality, Art and Musical Tradition of Mount Athos"
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Postgraduate Courses "Religious and Pilgrimage Tourism"
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Postgraduate Courses "Diacheírisī Ekklīsiastikṓn Keimīlíōn kai CΗristianikīs Politistikīs Klīronomiás"
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Our staff

Special Teaching Staff - Foreign Language Teachers

Agne Daffa
Fanny Maquet-Sarafopoulou
Vasileia Kazamia

Former staff

Ioannis Fountoulis (†)Fr. Ioannis Romanidis (†)
Metropolitan of Tyroloe and Serention Panteleimon Rodopoulos (†)Christina Boulaki-Zisi
Georgios StogioglouStergios Tsiamis (†)
Stergios Sakkos (†)Theologos Aliprantis (†)
Metropolitan of Pergamon Ioannis Zizioulas (†)Athanasios Angelopoulos
Antonios Papadopoulos (†)Protopresbyter Konstantinos Karaisaridis
Christos Krikonis (†)Protopresbyter Spyridon Antoniou
Euthymios TsigaridasΑrchimandrite Nikolaos-Nikodimos Skrettas-Plexidas
Christos Vantsos (†)Stavros Nanakis, Metropolitan Bishop of Arkalochori Kastelli and Viannos
Pausanias Koutlemanis (†)Kyriakoula Papademetriou
Eustratios Zeginis (†)TryfonTsompanis
Stavros KalantzakisIoannis Bakas (†)
Soterios Varnalidis
Elias Nikolakakis
Vassileios Fanourgakis
Georgios Theodoroudis
Protopresbyter Theodoros Zisis
Athanassios Karathanassis
Christos Economou
Despo Lialiou
Michael Tritos
Heraklis Rerakis

Doctors Honoris Causa

Ioannis Karmiris, Professor Emeritus of the University of AthensNovember 14, 1973
Archbishop Iakovos of AmericaApril 17, 1975
Patriarch Ignatius IV of Antioch and All the EastFebruary 20, 1976
Rev. Dr. Dumitru Staniloae, Professor of the University Theological Institute of BucharestMay 13, 1976
Nicholas Dimitrijevic Uspensky, Professor Emeritus of the Leningrad Theological AcademyNovember 29, 1979
Elder Metropolitan of Chalcedon MelitonMarch 15, 1984
Metroplitan Maximos of SardisMarch 15, 1984
Metroplitan Chrysostomos of MyraMarch 15, 1984
Metroplitan Damaskinos of SwitzerlandMay 20, 1985
Metropoltan Panteleimon II of ThessalonikiNovember 12, 1996
Ecumenical Patriarch BartholomewOctober 1, 1997
Panagiotis Angelopoulos, Archon Great Benefactor and Grand Logothete of the Ecumenical PatriarchateJune 15, 1998
Anastasios Marinos, Vice-President of the Council of State (Greece)May 27, 1999
Patriarch Petros VII of Alexandria and All AfricaMay 24, 2001
Metropolitan Sava of Warsaw and All PolandOctober 8, 2002
Rev. Dr. George Dragas, Professor of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of TheologyJune 2, 2005
Metropolitan Nikephoros of Kykkos and TellyriaJune 3, 2008
Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) of DiokleiaJune 3, 2015
Archbishop Hieronymos II of Athens and All GreeceNovember 10, 2016
Erich Lamberz, Honorary Professor of the University of MunichJune 19, 2019
Metropolitan Anthimos of ThessalonikiJuly 15, 2019
Vlasios Pheidas, Professor Emeritus of the University of AthensMay 26, 2022

Register of Internal and External Electors of the School